Saturday, February 5, 2011

Scattergories Online Free

Word of the Day
Mk 6, 30-32
Saturday, February 5

"After their first mission,
the apostles gathered around Jesus,
and reported all they had done and taught.
He said:

"Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and relax a little."
In Indeed, the coming and going were so many
we had no time even to eat.
So they went into the boat
to a deserted place. "

activity should not become activism and you have to stop to catch your breath. We are in a world where everyone turns and stress that many followers. "We have more time to live!" became one of the slogans. Sometimes this lack of time, include one signed before the TV or computer or ... Is there not as an escape from present reality, the fear to stop and meet with yourself to say ... what? It never forget that we are alone ... He is always there, and downtime can become moments of intense relationship with Him. The word desert in Hebrew is called "mid'bar" and means "Place of the Word." "I'll seduce her into the wilderness and speak to his heart." God says in the book of Hosea in Ch 2. The desert is the place of meeting, listening to the heart and the Word who creates peace, "hesychia" say the Fathers. Peace and led to rest. Thus William of St. Thierry, a friend of St Bernard wrote that "prayer is a hobby" . Go away, it take this time to encounter and Healing in the Presence of the host within which always awaits us and that too often, in fact, we leave alone behind the door. If we open this door, our lives will be disrupted ... and we will enter into his rest.


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