Monday, February 28, 2011

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Word of the Day
Mk 10, 28-31
Tuesday, 1 March

Peter began to say to Jesus:
"This we left everything to follow you. "
Jesus said," Amen, I say to you, nobody will
for my sake and the Gospel,
a house, brothers, sisters,
a mother, father,
children or land,
without having received, at that time already
hundred times: homes, brothers, sisters,
mothers, children and land
with persecutions and,
in the world to come life everlasting.
Many first shall be last,
and the last shall be first. "

It is amazing how the deprivation leads to communion. There are ties that bind us and prevent us to exist. How many parents qui gardent l'emprise sur leurs enfants même une fois mariés. Ce qui d'ailleurs produit des drames conjugaux. Car on ne se marie pas à trois ou à quatre, mais à deux : "l'homme (la femme) quittera son père et sa mère, il s'attachera à sa femme (à son mari) et tous deux ne feront plus qu'un." Tant que l'on est possessif envers une personne ou même un objet, on a un fil à la patte. L'épanouissement naît de deux libertés, celle laissée à l'autre et celle que je m'octroie en permettant à l'autre d'être lui-même. En comprenant bien que la liberté va toujours dans le sens du plus grand bien. Or permettre à the other to exist for himself, he offered the greatest good, and I allow myself to exist for me. The friendship like love is rooted in mutual respect. With God, it is the same. How many times do we prisoners of our desires and our fears. God has the right to exist for itself and we should enjoy in this respect for his person as he loves us in respect of our own. It is not necessary and does not oblige us. He bowed to our dignity ... that comes from Him. Leave everything, thus open to a true communion, a real relationship where two freedoms meet and comply, in the desire for greater bien de l'autre selon la voie qui est la sienne et qui est propre à chacun. L'Évangile ouvre nos cœurs à cette bonne nouvelle.

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

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Parole de Dieu
Mt 6, 24-34
Dimanche 27 février

Comme les disciples s'étaient rassemblés autour de Jésus,
sur la montagne, il leur disait :
Aucun homme ne peut servir deux maîtres :
ou bien il détestera l'un et aimera l'autre,
ou bien il s'attachera à l'un et méprisera l'autre.
You can not serve both God and Money.
Therefore I say unto you
Do not be so concerned for your life,
about food or about your body,
about clothes.
Life is not worth it any more than food,
and the body more than clothing?
Behold the fowls of heaven, nor do they
sowing and reaping,
they do not make reservations in attics,
and your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are ye not much better than they?
Besides, who among you, by worrying, can extend as
or his life?
And about clothes, why be so concerned?
Observe how the lilies grow:
they do not work, they do not spin.
But I tell you that Solomon himself,
in all his glory was not dressed like
one of them.
If God so clothes the grass of the field,
which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire,
will he not much more to you,
men of little faith?
Do you not worry so much;
do not say, 'What shall we eat ? '
or 'What shall we drink? "
or 'With what we wear? "
All these things the pagans seek.
But your heavenly Father knows that you need.
Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all that
will be given over the market.
Do not get so worried about tomorrow
tomorrow will worry about itself;
each day as it comes.

"" The Lord is my support: he released me, gave me wide, it freed me, because he loves me. " The entrance antiphon of the liturgy of this day gives us the red wire and the key to interpreting the Word of God wants to free us from our enslavement, that we might know "the joy of serving without anxiety," and that "world events take place in peace, according to the purpose" of the Father (cf. Or Starting Index.).
Where are our divisions, our opposition, our conflicts? Of our divisions, our opposition, our inner conflicts, we project - individually and collectively - on our environment! "No man can serve two masters", we Jesus says, and yet, how many false teachers have not we? Sometimes we love and hate one another, sometimes we focus on the latter and despise the former. We are constantly at odds inner split between our multiple conflicting loyalties. Jesus chose for example money, which is the paradigm of our desires, since it provides access to equity, power and glory as the world. This is not money per se that is in question: if it did not exist it would reinstate the swap - which would probably not better. But it is our relationship to money that Jesus critical of a servant, or rather a medium of exchange of goods and services, it has become an end in itself, an absolute, that is to say an idol . When Jesus is in charge "money misleading" (Lk 16, 9), he exposes the lie that he represents: the few pieces of metal awaken in us unspeakable desires, which are to be linked with the original sin . Cut off from God, we are locked into our fears: fear of the future, fear of others, fear of illness, fear of the unexpected, fear of setbacks, so we are looking for security, insurance of all kinds, we hope to find the money supposed to protect us all the vagaries of life. Illusory rest who claims to be based on material abundance! ... "

And what image we have of God?

" But trust the Lord, we must first let us heal our confidence in the God rival, jealous of our happiness This monstrous idol who tyrannize our heart since the Serpent had perverted in us the image of God the Father. The few verses of Isaiah that the liturgy proposes to us first reading is a true antidote against this poison, "Jerusalem said:" The Lord has forsaken me, the Lord has forgotten me. " Can a woman may forget her child, not to cherish the son of her womb? Even if she could forget me, I will not forget. Word of the Lord Almighty. " Where Is the tyrannical father who locked us in fear? This idol has never existed except in our heart injured by the lie of the enemy, fear of God is the most dangerous weeds that the evil is sown in the field of our lives. It grows with the wheat and threatens to smother But the only way to prevent harm, not to tear the risk of tearing as the ears, but to promote the growth of good grain, fortifying our faith by listening of the Word and the reception of the Spirit of love in prayer and the sacraments (cf. Mt 13, 24-30). "

From trust to the abandonment charge:

" It's a double that Jesus denounces idolatry, probably the leading one another: the idolatry of a distant God, demanding, indifferent to human needs, and idolatry Money. It is not impossible that the second is a compensation for the dissatisfaction with the first. Such is the attitude of "pagans" who do not know the true face of God, and continue to worry about the daily drink and eat. He who knows himself son of the Father, certainly working to support his family and participates in the common good of the society to which he belongs, but it does in filial freedom, that is to say, in the certainty that God is with him in his effort as his rest in his success as in his professional failures. Master, money can become a servant because his relationship to God, the believer has passed from servitude to service, from fear to trust subsidiary. His concern was not to save his life - he now knows that he receives every moment of his Father as a gift of love - but to work to establish justice in the Kingdom, that is to say give every man what he needs so he can live in dignity as a son of God, beginning with those closest to him: those entrusted to it and it is charged to serve. " (P. Joseph-Marie)

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Friday, February 25, 2011

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Word of God
Mk 10, 13-16
Friday, February 26

were presented to Jesus
for children to touch him;
but the disciples quickly pushed aside.
Seeing this, Jesus got angry and said
"Let the children come to me.
Do not hinder them,
because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Amen, I say to you, whoever does not
the kingdom of God in the manner
a child will never enter it. "
He kissed and blessed them, laying his hands.

Jesus feels good with children. It is part of their world and they recognize him. In them there is no ulterior motive, there is trust and abandonment. The child can recognize Jesus, it does not with his head but his heart. Daniel Angel wrote a book entitled "These children, our theologians." Often simple words the child about God, Jesus, are of extreme depth and high accuracy because it is directly connected to the Source her real living in the present, where flows the Presence and therefore the relationship real. His gaze is clear ...
The adult, he tends to flee in the past where to look to the future, the difficulty of living the present. Hence all its complications and folds on itself, its aspirations for dominance and power relations ... recognition.
All spiritual journey is to rediscover the simplicity of the child, his spontaneity in love beyond all calculations: "the kingdom of God belongs to such as these" . The child reveals the desire of our heart and also all the way still to go ... thus it can be disturbing for adults: " the disciples quickly pushed aside." Jesus' words should make us stop and leave us alone: "Unless you become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom." Be like a child, but also recognize that no one knows everything and even that we know nothing, and you have to learn ...

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Dominique de Villepin proposed a citizen's income

Dominique de Villepin proposed a citizen's income of at least € 850 .-

Interviewed on journal 20:00 from France 2 of and today (02/24/2011) Dominique de Villepin proposed a Revenue Citizen of 850 € / month.

Dominique de Villepin (Wikimedia Commons)

  1. Francis Siebenthal : Dividend universal robots ...

    July 1, 2010 ... Francis Siebenthal . "First they ignore us, .... focused on adoption in Brazil of a law on the Income citizen and I want to ...
    of Siebenthal . / ... / dividend-universal-by-the-robots.html - Cached
  2. Francis Siebenthal : basic income or financial assassins?

    November 15, 2009 ... Francis Siebenthal . "First they ignore us, then they .... Today, the income of citizen base is being discussed ...
    of Siebenthal . /.../ income -de-base-or-assassins-financiers.html - Cached
  3. Francis Siebenthal : The Dividend Universal, the new company

    October 15, 2009 ... Francis Siebenthal . "First they ignore us, .... focused on adoption in Brazil of a law on the Income citizen and I want to ...
    of Siebenthal . / ... / the-universal-dividend-the-nouvelle.html - Cached
  4. citizen income - Wikipedia

    The income is income citizen would be accorded to all individuals in a given area, to using revenue from resource use ... / wiki / Revenue _ citizen - Cached - Similar pages
  5. Thoughts about the idea of citizen's income

    The Citizen Revenue (CBR) is awarded to all citizens. It would be an amount sufficient to enable the acquisition of essential goods ... - Cached - Similar pages
  6. Left, Utopia and citizen's income : Crisis in Media

    November 27, 2007 ... Start by reading this recent interview with Götz Werner, a German billionaire to economic ideas very original. income - citizen. html - Cached - Similar pages

Dominique de Villepin is the founder of Solidarity Republic. With this announcement he joined the proposals which are detailed in the videos presented on this blog (in collaboration with Seb Musset ) of PCD , and Liberal Alternative , while it is still undecided and " debate within the Left Front .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Word God
Mk 10, 1-12
Thursday, February 25

Jesus arrives in Judea and Transjordan.
Again, the crowd gathers around him,
and again, he instructed them as usual.
Some Pharisees came
and put to the test, they asked:
"Is it permissible for a husband to divorce his wife? "
Jesus said:" What did Moses command you? "
They replied
" Moses permitted divorce his wife
provided to establish an act of repudiation. "
Jesus replied:
" Because of your hardness of heart he wrote you this law.
But at the beginning of creation God made them male and female.
Because of this, a man leave his father and mother,
cleaves to his wife and the two shall become one flesh.
Thus, they are no longer two, but they are one.
So, what God has joined together let no man put asunder! "

Marriage seeking love in the sense Most of this word is summarized by Jesus Christ giving his life on the Cross for mankind. Each spouse is called to love the other as Christ loved us: will the good, the best for each other and not use the other for himself. Which requires the recognition of the dignity of the other recognized as a person and not as an object. The other remains a mystery in the roots of his being immersed in the Light of God. Each spouse is sacred and must be respected in this mystery. One is not above the other, are equal in dignity. But each brings to the other what it is to accomplish the other, there is complementarity ... and the two are one in a communion which wants Alliance. This union can only bear fruit where common love becomes flesh ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Word of God
Mk 9, 38-40
Wednesday, February 22

Jesus told his disciples:
"Whoever you give a glass of water
behalf of you belong to Christ, amen
I tell you, it will not remain unrewarded.
Whoever causes one to fall these small
who believe in me, it would be better for him
that hung round his neck one of these wheels that rotate
donkeys, and he was thrown into the sea
And if thy hand drags you to sin, cut it off.
It is better to enter life maimed than eternal
be thrown with two hands in hell,
where the fire is not quenched.

if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off.
Better crippled enter into eternal life
than being disposed of with your two feet in hell.
If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.
Better get blind in the kingdom of God
than be thrown with two eyes in hell,

where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.
For every man shall be salted with fire.
is a good thing that the salt
but if the salt ceases to be salt,
with what will you give him strength?
Have salt in yourselves, and live at peace among yourselves.

What is the scandal par excellence? - The lack of charity: "Do not give a glass of water at one of these little ..." Ce verre d'eau est symbolique de toute une façon d'être envers son frère. Le chemin nous est tracé par Jésus Lui-même lavant les pieds de ses disciples et les invitant à faire de même; libérant et guérissant sans distinction de personnes; invitant à donner comme on lui donnerait à lui : "ce que vous avez fait à l'un de ces petits qui sont mes frères, c'est à moi que vous l'avez fait." , à pardonner sans mesure et à pardonner à ses ennemis. Ne pas seulement se dire chrétien, mais l'être en vérité, en n'oubliant jamais que "Dieu ne fait pas de différence entre les hommes." Yes, the scandal is to be a witness against the charity. How many looks that kill while full of love, they should give life to exist and the other, how many hands that do not tend when the hand of a brother or sister in humanity is stretched in a gesture asking for assistance, how many feet away from the path on which there is someone in need. A smile alone can give the Sun. Being Salt is allow our charity by giving back a taste for life in our neighbor.

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Dominique Strauss-Kahn called into question before the Paris Court for his involvement in an international scam $ 22 billion

Press Release - February 21, 2011
Attention readers of Life Policy

Dominique Strauss-Kahn called into question before the Paris Court for his involvement in an international scam $ 22 billion

September 20, 2010 Master Dominic Kounkou, lawyer Christian Basano, assigned the Law Officer (AJT) for serious misconduct by the State before the Paris Court, in a complex case of international fraud, in which Mr. Dominique Strauss-Kahn was an actor involved particularly as Minister of Industry Government Cresson in 1991. It

Below the text of the subpoena, currently pending before the First Chamber of the Paris Court. A thorough investigation will be conducted by this Court in the coming months. The findings in response to the AJT in this case are expected to attend the next hearing on March 16. Full text of the summons for download below.

Christian Cotten, Chairman of Life Policy. - Tel. : 06 89 52 06 41

Basano Christian, expert compatble, vice president of Life Policy: 06 13 25 37 66 -

Full text of the summons to download here in pdf
http : / / / pdf / ASSIGNATIONAJTDSKBASANO.pdf

Please publish on sites and transfer widely to inform citizens of France and elsewhere on the morals of some politicians ... Thank you to the translators.
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Christian Cotten - Politique de Vie

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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Word of God
Mk 9, 38-40
Wednesday, February 22

John, one of the Twelve, said to Jesus:
"Master, we saw someone driving
evil spirits in your name we
tried to prevent,
because it is not those who follow us. "
Jesus answered
" Do not hinder them, for he who performs a miracle in my name
can not immediately afterwards speak evil of me;

whoever is not against us is for us. "

We see in the Gospels, men and women who normally should be far from Jesus as the heathen and in fact are close to Him. And the Canaanite who just touch the hem of his cloak of the centurion who demand the healing of his servant. At first, Jesus says: "Let it be according to thy faith!" ; second: "Never have I found such faith in Israel!" And Jesus has these words: "You judge according to appearance, I judge by the heart." man who hunts demons in his name, Jesus knows it inside and he knows the deep relationship that links it to him and the faith that keeps them alive. John
this amazing speech: "... there is not one which we follow." It identifies the group of disciples of Jesus. He sees an elite who alone can hold the power to release Jesus. As if to follow him physically enough to follow truth and heart. Jesus broke this perspective. The track really is first an inner reality and only Jesus knows "what is in man" , that is to say in his heart. We are not empowered to judge.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Words Of Welcome Sample

Flower Island Saint Germain

The output of Friday morning at Island Park Saint Germain offers my students a small link with nature.
In schools, we discuss much about the bio-diversity, pollution ... but the felt on the ground and through the words is not the same.

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Word of God
Mt 16, 13-19
Tuesday, February 22

Jesus was came to the region of Caesarea Philippi,
and he asked his disciples:
"The Son of man, who is he, from what men say? "
they said
" Some say John the Baptist;
for others, Elijah;
for still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets. "
Jesus said unto them
" And you, what say you? For you, who am I? "
Speaking, Simon-Pierre said:
" You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God! "
Speaking in turn, Jesus told him:
" Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah!
not flesh and blood that revealed this to you,
but my Father heaven.
And I say to you
You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church;
and the power of death shall not prevail over it.
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven:
whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven,
and all that thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. "

The Church is based on the proclamation of Peter, inspired by the Father Himself: " You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God! " Peter really understand what he said? ... He understood that at Pentecost the Holy Spirit will give him the intelligence of the heart. And in this day and this time the Church will truly founded. Today, many Christians say "yes" to Jesus and leave out the Church, going so far as to say "no." It is a total contradiction! Jesus does not oppose the Church, he is the founder, he wanted: "You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church; and the power of death does the not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: whatever you have bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. "
Sometimes men who form the Church and we are, we can tease, but in his heart is the voice of the Holy Father and continues to make itself heard through the Word the Son is embodied in the breath is the Spirit. It springs from his heart that the grace of the Sacraments which are actions of Christ for us today. And how they turn back, turning to Christ.
It is easy to be a judge, it avoids being put yourself in question as if we were in- above the fray. All those who form the Church are in Road ...
Listen to St Paul:
" It is to know Christ, to experience the power of his resurrection and the sufferings of his passion in me reproducing his death hoping to achieve, too, the resurrection from the dead. While I am not yet arrived, I'm not there yet, but I continue my pursuit to capture all this as I myself was seized by Christ Jesus. Brethren, I do not think I have already entered. Only one thing counts: Forgetting what is behind, and started forward, I press toward the mark for the prize to which God calls us up there in Christ Jesus. " (Ph 3, 10-14) In a race, participants are not all at the same point on the course ... the important thing is to run and reach. Thus to the baptized!
Listen as these words of Pope Paul VI: "It should be recalled at a time, not without pain, we can hear people, we believe that well-intentioned but certainly misguided without their spirit, continually claiming to love Christ but without the Church, listen to Christ but not the Church, to Christ but outside the Church. The absurdity of this dichotomy is clearly evident in the words of the Gospel: "Whoever rejects you, rejects me." (Lk 10, 16) And how want to love Christ without loving the Church, if the finest witness to Christ is that of St Paul: "He loved the church and gave himself for she? " (Eph 5, 25) (Evangelii nuntiandi 16)
recall here the last words of St. Teresa of Avila, just before died at the monastery of Alba de Tormes, which retell all his filial devotion and love for the Church, his pride in belonging to it: "I am the daughter of the Church!" And centuries later, another Therese of Lisieux that describe his vocation in these simple words: "At the heart of the Church, I am Love!" to us by our conversion and fidelity to Christ, to witness the beauty of the Church because the Church is all of us, and all of us together. The word church means "assembly". You can not be Christian alone!

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A sullen sky

Yesterday the sky was gloomy, as so often in recent months, walk to Saint Germain des Invalides, the artists and the sketch before creation. Follow the pen of one who trace curves hundreds of times and pencil erasure of the other that the words, phrases, until the final sound ... the question to his publisher "The Promise of Dawn" is the title he already taken?
Behind the genius hiding hard work.
This strange car ? The tent trailer Opera Axel Enthoven (inspired by the Sydney Opera House by Jorn Utzon), is it a trip to Come?

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Henry Moore (1898-1986) Romain Gary

"I'm excited by all natural forms, such as cloud formations, birds, trees and roots, or the mountains for me are the folding of the surface of the earth as drapery " Henry Moore, 1968
A visit to the sculptor's studio, his collections of shells, bones, stones ... as a curiosity.
drawings, small models that fit in terracotta and plaster hand we offer a glance on gesture and the thought of the artist. It is
Rodin Museum.

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On December 2, 1980, Romain Gary bought a red robe, wool Scottish Boulevard Saint Germain, he returned Rue du Bac, lay on his bed, took the Browning old, dating from his years of war and shot himself in the head.
There is the manuscript's first novel: The gesture grimacing (1934), unpublished novel and which will remain under the control of the writer.
And then all the others, European education, the roots of heaven, promise of dawn, Lady L, Europa, and sorcerers, the life ahead, kites, life and death of Emile Ajar ...
photos moving with Jean Seberg.
He described himself as a chameleon who becomes insane ... if it is placed on the Scots.
The exhibition takes place at the museum letters and manuscripts .

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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While in Milan I never fail to greet my favorite works.
Marriage of the Virgin, Raphael the Brera
The portrait of a young woman in Pollaiolo Poldi Pezzoli Museum
The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper at Vinciano
Rondanini La Pieta, Michelangelo's the Museum of Ancient Art in the Castello Sforzesco
The frescoes of melancholy Bernardino Luini on the walls of the church of San Bernardino.

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From our apartment, piazza Zara, we could monitor the site ... the towers rise near Garibaldi.

Every summer we spend a few days in Milan and Turin, girls grew up in Italy, and feel good ... they are not alone!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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Word of the Day
Mt 5, 43-48
Sunday, February 20

You learned that it was said:
Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.
Well, I say unto you
Love your enemies,
and pray for those who persecute you,
to be truly the son of your Father
who is in heaven;
because he makes his sun rise on the evil
and the good, and sends rain
on the just and the unjust.
If you love those who love you, what reward
will you?
The publicans themselves do not they do the same?
And if you greet only your brothers,
what do you more?
Pagans themselves do not they do the same?
So be perfect as your
Heavenly Father is perfect.

Just look at the picture of Hieronymus Bosch, to Calvary, to understand better what it means to "love his enemies." In fact his detractors make Jesus their enemy. Jesus, He refuses to make them his enemies. No hatred in his heart, only the free choice to give his life for them. He will use their hatred against him to save them: " Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Cross is the definitive sign, the Sign of Love victorious. Such is the perfection of which Jesus speaks: "So be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. " a program!

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Day breaks

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"One morning when the honey becomes fire
becomes sand-
where everything blurs"
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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lorna Morgan Post Partum

Word of the Day
Mk 8, 34-38 , 9.1
Friday, February 18

summoned the crowd with his disciples, he said
"If anyone would come after me,
him deny himself,
take up his cross and follow me.

For whoever would save his life shall lose it;
but whoever loses his life for me
and for the gospel will save it.
What advantage, indeed, a man he
to win the whole world and forfeit his life?
How much could he make
in exchange for his life?
If anyone is ashamed of me and my words
in this adulterous and sinful generation,
the Son of man also be ashamed of him,
when he comes in the glory of Father with his angels. "
And he said:
"Amen, I say unto you, among those who are here,
some will not experience death before
they see the kingdom of God come with power. "

The peak of love, is the cross that we proclaim. Jesus giving up his own life. Jesus lost his life and this gift rebounding total in the Life. This is the path of happiness "whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel will save it". We are in Pascal mystery , mystery of death and resurrection of Christ. And we know that the result is the Hi world. What fertility! "Unless a grain of wheat dies, it remains alone. If he dies, it bears much fruit. ..." "The kingdom of God come with power" is the Word Cross! power, that of Love!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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Word of the Day
Mk 8, 14-21
Thursday, February 17

Jesus went with his disciples to the villages
located in the region of Caesarea Philippi.
way, he asked his
"For people, who am I? "
they said
" John the Baptist, others Elijah;
for others, one of the prophets. "
he asked them again:
" And you, what say you?
For you, who am I? "
Peter spoke and answered:
" You are the Messiah. "
They then defended strongly
talking about him to anyone.
And for the first time, he taught them
need for the Son of Man must suffer much,
be rejected by the elders,
the chief priests and scribes
be killed and that three days after he revived.
He said this openly.
Peter took apart,
began to rebuke him for.
Jesus turned and
seeing his disciples, he rebuked Peter
"Get behind me Satan!
Your thoughts are not those of God,
but of men.

We know who Jesus is. St. Mark, the first verse of the gospel, told us that Jesus Christ is Lord, the day of baptism, a voice from heaven told us he is the "beloved son", and indeed the unclean spirits know, the ones who call it "Holy God" and "son of God."

We who are so knowledgeable, we may look a bit far scene at Caesarea Philippi. Yet the announcement that Jesus did is a real education - indeed the word chosen by Marc - and is the heart of the Christian message: the Messiah must be rejected, killed, and three days later to resurrect from the dead. But the rejection of Christ and his death is a vile stumbling block for the followers of all time. While Jesus is the Messiah, but a suffering messiah. Jesus carries the Cross invites us on the path of the Cross. That never fails to shake. So we'll probably better than command of silence for us too.

To confess with fruit that Jesus is the Messiah, we must enter into the contemplation of our Lord. We must look on the way to Jerusalem to understand that there is a meeting with Christ in weakness assumed, in the accepted vulnerability.

Our knowledge is clear: Jesus is the Messiah, the son of the living God, our Savior. Let us follow him to Jerusalem. Let us follow the paths of His Passion. Follow it in the power of the Spirit. We thus penetrate the enigma of his true identity. We contemplate the mystery of his heart open and available. So we can meet and proclaim the truth: "My Lord and my God." (F Dominica)

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Hespéron's tent and all his suite,
The bosom of the clouds, gold, gray, brown.
Blue! That's life water - Ocean
vassals All these rivers, innumerable puddles
may well rage, foaming, bubbling, but never
Can s' calm in the otherwise dark blue chart.
Blue! Noble cousin of green forest
Married to green in the most exquisite flowers
The forget-the bellflower, and the queen
In discretion, the violet: what strange powers
Hast thou not, when you're just shadow! But how big
When added animates fate!
John Keats, February 8, 1818