Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lotrimin Cream For Seb

Word of the Day
Mk 6 7 ... 13
Thursday, February 3

"Jesus called the Twelve,
and for first
he sent two by two ...
they went,
and proclaimed the need to convert.
They cast out many demons,

anointed with oil in many patients,
and healed them. "

Church in germ. Everything is there. Jesus "calls". It is Jesus who takes the initiative. He is the Source of the Church. It exists in Him. Each member of the Church is called. Discipleship is a response to this call. And for those who answered, a responsibility, because Jesus gives His grace through His Church and thus through life, acting and speaking of his disciples. Indeed He "sends" . The disciples mission to proclaim the Good News to proclaim. The good news is that the first man must change course (convert) it must open his heart to the Inner Presence. The good news is that Jesus freed, Jesus heals: his Church itself receives from him the power of love to cast out demons, heal the sick, restoring man to his integrity. The Church is the instrument by Hi Jesus, with Jesus and Jesus (Great Doxology at Mass) which is the sole prime contractor. The Church has no substitute for Jesus Christ, it is to get after him and like him, to let it through "His" presence to him. The word "Hi" comes from a Greek word which means "Health". In English, the word "Health" is "Salud". We love talking about Jesus as the Savior, that is to say of him that makes man to Health. Body Health for some (Jesus did not heal all the sick physically) , but as sign a Health innermost and most essential for all, that of the heart, and through it, the whole being. The "Resurrection" is the fulfillment. The word means to move from lying position to standing, very firm on his feet.


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