Monday, February 14, 2011

Mattress Fit In Dodge Caravan.

Word of the Day
Mk 8, 14-21
Tuesday 15 February

The disciples had forgotten to take bread,
and they had one bread
with them in the boat.
Jesus made this recommendation:
"Caution! Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees
and that of Herod! "
They talked among themselves
on this lack of bread.
He noticed it and told them
"Why are you discussing this lack of bread?
You do not see? You do not understand yet?
Your heart blinded?
You have eyes and you do not look,
you have ears and you do not listen?
You do not remember?
When I broke the five loaves for five thousand men,
how did you pick up baskets full of pieces? "
They replied
" Twelve.
- And when I broke seven for four miles,
how have you filled baskets
picking up the pieces? "
They replied
" Seven "
He told them:
" You do not understand yet? "

" Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God " . Hunger "organic" is symbolic of a much more critical hunger, hunger for God and therefore His Word. The Eucharist is the fullness of the table: table of the Word proclaimed, the Word table manduquée: "In the Holy Liturgy, the Church continues to feed the Bread of Life table of the Word of God as the Body of Christ, to take the bread of life and present it to the faithful. " (Benedict XVI quoting Dei Verbum 21) After the loaves (Mk 8: 1-10) the apostles who participated in the miracle of the loaves: "they gave his disciples to serve them, and they served to the crowd ... " , fall back into their old shoes. They are ecstatic at the time: " they took the remains of pieces: seven baskets full! "But soon they fall back into their little closed world and no horizon. Jesus seeks to awaken, to give them height, reminding them the facts. Who is he to them? ... He showed them that what they was impossible, he himself could. What without him "they could not do anything" (Jn 15, 5) . That "what is impossible for man is possible with God" (Lk 18, 27) , declining and its identity. Nothing will work, they remain grounded nose and forget the stars. How many times did Jesus tell them there not: "Have you not faith" ... "Man of little faith" (Mt 14, 31) And we hear: "He reproached them for their lack of faith" (Mk 16, 14) . The apostles tend to argue as if Jesus was not there: "You have eyes and you do not look, you have ears and you do not listen?" ... He did not trust! And we who have acknowledged his identity: "God from God, Light born from light, true God from true God ..." (Nicene Creed) And you ... today, will you trust him!


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