Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ford Mondeo 2002 Outside Temperature Sensor

H1N1. Tamiflu vaccines and dangerous! Scandals! A

H1N1 vaccines, as we predicted, the truth comes out.

Also, Tamiflu is dangerous, expensive and ineffective!

Le Figaro


but especially Find out who Crime benefits?

Donald Rumsfeld, Defense Secretary George W. Bush in 2001, was the director in 1988, the Chairman of the Board of Directors from 1997 to 2001, after Gilead has sold to Roche in 1996, all operating rights to Tamiflu, against 10% of sales [ 29].

Hello Mr X: (President of "a large pharmaceutical company.)

I am Mr Y (chemist):" I developed a virus, H1N1, I also made a point pseudo antidote to the virus, Tamiflu. Would you be interested in collaborating?

It's very simple to release the virus in a region of the world where everyone cares about people dying, waiting a few weeks have the virus, people are panicking, governments are scared, and ... you will have a minimum order of 500 million doses of Tamiflu. Just buy the patent, which is 30 million. "

Just two men to reach the stage where we are today ... Who would not be ready to do anything for money ...

The pharmaceutical boxes are known to be true sharks , desperate to fatten themselves by making people sick in their first time and then selling the miracle drug. Many would be willing to do worse for several billion dollars, proof ...

  1. Commentary Fuzoff

  2. (Source:


    by Dr. Pascal Sacred

The pharmaceutical industry is conducting a relentless war, the huge budget maneuvers ruthless, innumerable techniques, against our health. A history of medicine ...

In his book, "The drug story: A factological history of America's $ 10,000,000,000 drug cartel, ITS methods, operations, hidden ownership, profits and terrific impact is The Health of the American people" published in 1949, Morris A. Beall tells a "funny" of history. That of the Nujol [Chapter 1, "What Nujol Started"].

William Avery Rockefeller was born in 1810 and died in 1906, patriarch of a dynasty as famous as discrete, and a descendant of German immigrants (Roggenfelder). Old Bill (his nickname), a farmer in New York until 1850, then went to Cleveland, where he fraudulently passed himself for a Doctor of Medicine: Dr. Levingston [1]. In his amazing book, Mr. A. Beall tells OLDI Bill was a merchant product "pharmaceuticals", suggesting to these charlatans, false teachers traveling in a cart, selling dubious elixirs, popularized by the comic Lucky Luke (Doctor Doxey), and prefiguring our reps (pharmaceutical representatives).

Many oil-based remedies were sold as "medicines" by a cabal of crooks and charlatans, Seneca Oil, Rock Oil and American Medicinal Oil. [2] Old Bill was selling bottles of crude oil farmers naive, thinking that it was a treatment against cancer. He called his elixir in a bottle: Nujol (New Oil New Oil).

While his son John D. Rockefeller I st

founded the Standard Oil Company in 1870, thanks loan from another family Discrete and famous, the Rothschilds, William bought a vial of 30 grams of crude oil to the Standard Oil for 21 cents and sold it $ 2 to all those he came to believe that they were sick and would be better with his "cure". Very little cultivated, unscrupulous, without medical knowledge or training, with some accounting concepts and ferocious greed, he managed to win. Nujol was finally called "cure constipation cons" and widely marketed, with some improvements from the Standard Oil chemists. However, doctors Nujol was discovered that the harmful and causes serious diseases, eliminating body fat soluble vitamins.

Standard Oil struggled against falling sales by adding carotene in crude oil to meet any deficiency. Senator Royal Samuel Copeland, a homeopathic doctor and elected Senator in New York in 1924, was paid 75,000 dollars a year to promote Nujol [3]. Many doctors have continued to decry in vain, the harmful effects of Nujol Standard Oil. The drug Nujol still exists in the form of pure paraffin oil, classified as mild laxative, it is recommended for chronic constipation refractory to usual therapeutic lifestyle modifications.

In the book of Dr. Dirk Van Duppen, "The War on Drugs", we find no surprise in the top-500 of the largest U.S. companies, the pharmaceutical industry is the most profitable (Fortune 500) [4]. "For every dollar of revenue, there are 17 cents of net profit. It is 5.5 times higher than the average of the top 500 of Fortune. The rate of return on capital reached 14.5% or six times the average Fortune 500. Earnings on equity rises to 27.6% almost three times more than the average Fortune 500. In 2002, the common benefit of the ten largest pharmaceutical companies amounted to 35.9 billion. Allowing them to exceed 33.7 billion profit achieved by the remaining 490 companies! [5] This does not weaken profitability from year to year [6]. Thus, "financial analysts believe the sector of the pharmaceutical and biotech industry is doomed to an annual growth in stock prices of 25% in 2009 [7].

What was its share of vaccines in these periods Fear of organized influenza?

"Vaccines, a niche in the limelight due to the H1N1 [...] The global market for influenza vaccines is 25% of the global vaccine market itself estimated at 14 billion dollars in 2008 (or 2% of pharmaceutical market). [8]

By comparison, "With a world market for metabolic and endocrine valued at more than $ 68 billion in 2009, the global market for diabetes treatments is more than 28 billion dollars. " [9]

much money at stake leaves little room for ethics.

continue the Drug Story.

Lipitor (atorvastatin) is marketed by Pfizer Inc., the world largest pharmaceutical March 12, 2009 (ranked by turnover of the group - quoted by Les Echos - 75 billion dollars). Presented as a wonder drug, the family of statins, Lipitor (and other, zocor, Lipanthyl, CRESTOR ...) reduces high cholesterol levels, protecting against heart attacks. Pfizer's Lipitor, also occupies the top spot forecast of ten top-selling drugs worldwide in 2010 [10]. It should create a global turnover of 11.7 billion dollars in 2010. However, it is possible that statins Lipitor from Pfizer induce long-or medium-term congestive heart failure as outlined in the cardiologist Peter Langsjoen of Tyler, Texas. Langsjoen gave up an attractive career in a university hospital in order to devote his expertise to what he called "congestive heart failure induced by statins." But that's not all.

cancers, memory loss, immune suppression, loss of sensitivity to insulin (a hormone to regulate blood sugar), cognitive or psychiatric disorders leading to suicide, stroke, the list of side effects of statins often not specified by the firm, is long, very long. Joel Kaufmann of Philadelphia University (Prof. Emeritus) looked at some reports and found an unflattering explanation.

"Pharmaceutical companies sometimes split an adverse serious in several minor side effects, so that their drug is approved, "he said in a recent conference.

"This is a proven method to keep the really alarming adverse effects below 1%" required. [11]-see biography Medical D r

P. Langsjoen in this reference.

A Hospital Baystate Medical Center (Springfield, Mass.), medical ethics has received another uppercut to the stomach. Pfizer has funded almost all studies of the anesthesiologist Scott Reuben, specializing in the treatment of postoperative pain and considered by his peers as a reference in analgesia (management of pain), including work published studies on the capitals Lyrica (pregabalin), Pfizer, for taking neuropathic pain management, the cause of suffering is usually very difficult to alleviate. These studies have been published in journals most prestigious profession as Journal of Clinical Anesthesia, Anesthesiology, Anesthesia and Analgesia, etc.. Gold D Dr.

Reuben, sponsored by Pfizer Inc. between 2002 and 2007, would lied, manipulated his findings, published studies simulated. [12]

"The results of these studies - of which 21 are highly suspect - who have begun to raise questions much later, much has changed the way physicians approach and to treat this type of postoperative pain. [13]

The Journal Anesthesiology News headline: "Fraud shakes anesthesiology. A researcher from Massachusetts involved in the falsification of data and other misdeeds. "

You will find in this newspaper a list of 21 studies of Reuben likely to be withdrawn first.

"Note that this indication (neuropathic pain) Lyrica is still not questioned these days, except by independent voices, such Arznei-telegram, despite the trial of Neurontin (gabapentin ), which allowed the public and the medical world to learn manipulation and other interventions in order to present the Pfizer Neurontin as effective for indications other than epilepsy, although these allegations are not based on science [14]. "

An article in the March 11 Wall Street Journal, Scott Reuben also falsified data on the effectiveness of the antidepressant Effexor (venlafaxine), produced by Wyeth (merged with Pfizer) in neuropathic pain and postoperative. [15]

Regarding relationships with Pfizer, the Wall Street Journal tells us that more research funding from Pfizer, the company had among its lecturers Reuben, he was a member of 'Speakers Bureau' of the firm, a term which means that stock of opinion leaders (key opinion leaders) ready when it comes to promoting a drug from the lab which pays them in Congress, the media, publications, etc.. (See website Pharmacritique


The lead drug from Merck, sold as a miracle cure between 1999 and 2004 has the sweet name of Vioxx. It is a painkiller and an anti-inflammatory. Australia is currently taking a court action against a thousand individuals in the Merck Group. The plaintiffs accused the pharmaceutical giant of hiding the risks of cardiovascular events associated with the use of Vioxx. Members of management of Merck and its branches were exchanged by mail a list of researchers and academics who highlighted the negative effects of Vioxx.

documents appeared in Federal Court in Melbourne reveal that staff members have accepted Merck has used intimidation tactics against critical researchers, threatening to cut off their foundations, their labs, or interfere with their academic appointments ... At least eight clinical researchers have been threatened or intimidated by Merck [16].

Merck have also created an entirely false scientific journal, The Australasian Journal of Bone and Joint Medicine, posing as the official publication of independent scientific expertise. The magazine merely in fact systematically resume scientific articles favorable to the company's products. It was neither more nor less than a marketing operation, so well done that only experts advised the scientific press could understand.

The FDA estimates that Vioxx, the widely used treatment against arthritis, caused, between 1999 and 2004 in the United States, approximately 160,000 crisis heart attacks and strokes. It is the cause of 27,785 deaths. The drug was withdrawn from pharmacies in 2004, while rumors of danger began to be insistent. In 2007, Merck entered into a settlement with the U.S. Most of the complainants, for an amount of 4.5 billion. (View site The words have meaning). The executives of Merck, preferred earn profits ($ 2 billion annually) rather than to stop selling a drug they knew mortal! [17]

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), the sixth largest pharmaceutical World in 2009 (33.60 billion dollars in sales), selling Avandia (rosiglitazone), a drug against diabetes.

Revealed by The New York Times, confidential reports claim that more than 500 attacks and 300 heart disease could be prevented each month by withdrawing Avandia from the market. In the third quarter of 2009, 304 lives could have been saved even if diabetes had taken another pill [18].

The Avandia 'should be removed from the market, "concludes the report of two officials of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Since 1999, dozens of independent scientific studies have reached the same conclusion. But GSK response by private study, made by the firm, and "prove" the safety of its molecule. "[...] GSK executives tried to intimidate independent doctors [...] and sought ways to minimize the fact that competing drugs could reduce cardiovascular risk," according to a U.S. Senate investigation [19]. We only asked GSK to provide new studies, not expected until ... 2020! The GSK's Avandia patent expires in 2012, the biggest business risk is largely past.

Tamiflu (oseltamivir) is an antiviral drug indicated for influenza. It is marketed by Roche (Hoffmann-La Roche-Genentech), the third global pharma in 2009 (43.10 billion dollars in sales). Tamiflu is one of the few to be effective against H1N1 viruses, according to World Health Organization (WHO).

Roche (and Novartis, 4th) have benefited greatly alerts influenza (A/H1N1 avian then) through the sale of Tamiflu for Roche Novartis Vaccines and [20]. Thanks to WHO and the Directorate General of Health French [21], among others, and through their "independent" experts, Tamiflu is certainly a boost in sales for Roche (Roche Tamiflu sales boost profits).

Yet, backed by serious British Medical Journal (BMJ), a journal that is a reference in the medical world:

"A lengthy article detailing that no solid evidence of the effectiveness of Tamiflu. The authors, independent researchers The Cochrane Collaboration, wanted to review all clinical trials of Tamiflu - a score. In their sights, the pivot on which article was based on Roche to extol the merits of his product with the authorities. This article lists ten clinical trials funded by Roche. But the results of eight of them have never actually been published by the lab. The researchers claimed the Roche data for analysis. Niet. Denied. [22]

on scarce scientific data usable, the Cochrane Collaboration concluded lack of positive impact of Tamiflu. An unpublished study of 1,447 adults showed that Tamiflu was no better than placebo [23].

Tamiflu, a drug that has been huge public spending, ineffective? It is not only inefficient but also very dangerous. Thus the BMJ reminds us that we should not prescribe Tamiflu to children [24]. The British health agency, the Health Protection Agency (HPA) reported that more than half of the 248 young students who had taken Tamiflu, after one of their comrades had contracted the "swine flu" have suffered side effects such as nausea, insomnia and nightmares. [25] All this is to shorten one day, at most, the duration of relatively mild symptoms of influenza. Tamiflu has been banned in South Korea, "after the suicide cases reported recently in Japan. [26]

"This announcement follows an earlier [...] made by the Japanese authorities of the observation of more than 100 cases of abnormal behavior among Japanese who ingested Tamiflu. In February and March [2007 NES], four teenagers were thrown into the empty after taking Tamiflu. [27]

Moreover, oseltamivir significantly increase the danger of the H1N1 virus in vitro (laboratory) [28]. This article reveals the unethical practices, unethical, of Roche, accused of illegal sales (Roche Tamiflu accusé over illegal deals, by Andrew Jack, published May 21, 2010 in the Financial Times online edition, free registration).

"In a trial to an employment tribunal brought by a former employee of Roche, John Miller, it unveiled some questionable schemes used by the British subsidiary of the Swiss laboratory. The latter would have imposed to medical sales targets of Tamiflu (oseltamivir) amounted to 15 to 20 million pounds just for a period of nine months of 2006. The reps had to use the threat of an impending epidemic of influenza - and fears generated by the avian flu - and were not encumbered by laws that limit healthcare professionals in management / prescribing such drugs. (See website Pharmacritique).

As an anecdote, Tamiflu was discovered in 1994 by researchers at Gilead Sciences Inc., a biopharmaceutical company (headquartered in California). (Source: fonzibrain.files


Donald Rumsfeld, Defense Secretary George W. Bush in 2001, was the director in 1988, the Chairman of the Board of Directors from 1997 to 2001, after Gilead has sold to Roche in 1996, all operating rights to Tamiflu, against 10% of sales [ 29]. A major investor Gilead Sciences Inc. was the Rockefeller Group (So far this year one Rockefeller-backed company, Gilead Sciences of Foster City, Calif., Has gone public.) [30].

Nujol, Lipitor, Lyrica, Vioxx, Avandia, Tamiflu, a distressing history of medicine. This list is not exhaustive allowed to review the main techniques of pharmaceutical companies, most profitable companies in the world to sell their products at any cost:

"Creating false magazines, intimidate, discredit critical scientific, civic associations found false or infiltrate existing ones, exhausting the limited resources of the complainants by protracted trials, provide only Positive data to obtain the authorization of placing on the market [31], corrupt and poach doctors to conduct studies cans [32], put it in his pocket professors recognized in their specialty to reveal studies of firms as independent and serious [33], exert aggressive pressure on pharmacists, the researchers, the doctors in their offices or their associations, bribe politicians or prominent members of the public oversight bodies (WHO [34] - [ 35], U.S. Department of Health, Education and Wellfare, FDA, health departments, Centers for Disease Control CDC, NIH [36] GEIG [37], European Medicines Agency), split a serious side effect of several minor side effects, use of business opinion leaders in their pay, not to provide references on behalf of the trade secret (sic) [38 ] bludgeon the population by a pervasive marketing advertising, inserts, magazines flooding and reducing false propaganda, cut food subsidies and researchers, doctors, scientists who do not play the game ... "

The testing their drugs on people ignorant of developing countries, like Pfizer in Nigeria [39], or GSK in Latin America [40], so totally illegal, but with impunity ends to profile psychopathic, unethical and all-powerful pharmaceutical industry, whatever its public relations professionals we say.

And if all this is not enough, the firm pays bribes and sprinkles, and the curtain is down, end the controversy!

Thus, Pfizer, having already paid 894 million dollars in compensation for thousands of injuries related to Bextra and Celebrex (arthritis treatment cons), acquitted a fine of 2.3 billion dollars for making false statements about the Lyrica, and Geodon the Zyvox. To promote these drugs, Pfizer had invited doctors to consultation meetings in resorts, all expenses paid, not to mention the perks. "They had been entitled to parts of golf, massages and other activities. [41]

These liars pay to continue to lie. So goes the world when it is in the hands of psychopaths, criminals and crooks. A world whose highest values are money, profit and appearance. People, consumers seem to wake up. They are less and less gullible. If you believe a recent study by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 44% of respondents indicate a negative perception of the pharma companies. Only the oil companies and insurers in health care have poorer place ... 70% of respondents complain that biotechnology companies are too focused on profits, and 80% say their salaries are too expensive [42].

People should certainly not go back to sleep and staying vigilant. For if psychopaths in power are at war with humanity [43], the pharmaceutical industry pursues a relentless war, the huge budget maneuvers ruthless, innumerable techniques, against our health.

"When researchers rely so pharmaceutical companies, which provide a large share of their incomes, they will struggle to resist the strong tendency that leads them to ensure that [ Clinical trials] give favorable results to laboratories. "Jerome Kassirer, former editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.

"I sincerely believe that if the whole materia medica could be sent to the seabed, it would be the best thing that can happen to mankind, and the worst that can happen to fish. ("I firmly Believe That The Whole yew materia medica Could Be sunk to the bottom of the sea, It Would Be All The Better for Mankind and The Worse for all the Fish.") Oliver Wendell Holmes, MD, Professor of Medicine at Harvard.)

"It is no longer possible to believe the published research, or to rely on the judgments of his family doctor. Marcia Angell is a professor of social medicine at Harvard University and former editor of The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).

Found at newsoftomorrow

Search Results

Francis Siebenthal : Scandals H1N1 Tamiflu

& Vaccines

  1. Jan 1, 2010 ...

    Scandals H1N1 Tamiflu & vaccines. Justice Is independent .... Evidence of adverse effects due to the H1N1 vaccine

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    Veritas in Caritate : Tamiflu, vaccines , Mediator "Scam ...
  2. 18 Jan 2011 ... Moreover

    and more drugs are dangerous . Mediator Tamiflu, vaccines "legal scam" and "legal poisoning. Scandals without

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    Francis Siebenthal : Tamiflu, vaccines mercury and H1N1, the ...
  3. October 27, 2009 ... "A scandal", according to the Center of Immunology, Inselspital, Bern. .... manufacturers vaccines against H1N1 influenza just get

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    More and more drugs are dangerous
  10. . Mediator
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