Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thank You Letter After Interview Dental Hygiene

Parole de Dieu
Mt 6, 24-34
Dimanche 27 février

Comme les disciples s'étaient rassemblés autour de Jésus,
sur la montagne, il leur disait :
Aucun homme ne peut servir deux maîtres :
ou bien il détestera l'un et aimera l'autre,
ou bien il s'attachera à l'un et méprisera l'autre.
You can not serve both God and Money.
Therefore I say unto you
Do not be so concerned for your life,
about food or about your body,
about clothes.
Life is not worth it any more than food,
and the body more than clothing?
Behold the fowls of heaven, nor do they
sowing and reaping,
they do not make reservations in attics,
and your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are ye not much better than they?
Besides, who among you, by worrying, can extend as
or his life?
And about clothes, why be so concerned?
Observe how the lilies grow:
they do not work, they do not spin.
But I tell you that Solomon himself,
in all his glory was not dressed like
one of them.
If God so clothes the grass of the field,
which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire,
will he not much more to you,
men of little faith?
Do you not worry so much;
do not say, 'What shall we eat ? '
or 'What shall we drink? "
or 'With what we wear? "
All these things the pagans seek.
But your heavenly Father knows that you need.
Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all that
will be given over the market.
Do not get so worried about tomorrow
tomorrow will worry about itself;
each day as it comes.

"" The Lord is my support: he released me, gave me wide, it freed me, because he loves me. " The entrance antiphon of the liturgy of this day gives us the red wire and the key to interpreting the Word of God wants to free us from our enslavement, that we might know "the joy of serving without anxiety," and that "world events take place in peace, according to the purpose" of the Father (cf. Or Starting Index.).
Where are our divisions, our opposition, our conflicts? Of our divisions, our opposition, our inner conflicts, we project - individually and collectively - on our environment! "No man can serve two masters", we Jesus says, and yet, how many false teachers have not we? Sometimes we love and hate one another, sometimes we focus on the latter and despise the former. We are constantly at odds inner split between our multiple conflicting loyalties. Jesus chose for example money, which is the paradigm of our desires, since it provides access to equity, power and glory as the world. This is not money per se that is in question: if it did not exist it would reinstate the swap - which would probably not better. But it is our relationship to money that Jesus critical of a servant, or rather a medium of exchange of goods and services, it has become an end in itself, an absolute, that is to say an idol . When Jesus is in charge "money misleading" (Lk 16, 9), he exposes the lie that he represents: the few pieces of metal awaken in us unspeakable desires, which are to be linked with the original sin . Cut off from God, we are locked into our fears: fear of the future, fear of others, fear of illness, fear of the unexpected, fear of setbacks, so we are looking for security, insurance of all kinds, we hope to find the money supposed to protect us all the vagaries of life. Illusory rest who claims to be based on material abundance! ... "

And what image we have of God?

" But trust the Lord, we must first let us heal our confidence in the God rival, jealous of our happiness This monstrous idol who tyrannize our heart since the Serpent had perverted in us the image of God the Father. The few verses of Isaiah that the liturgy proposes to us first reading is a true antidote against this poison, "Jerusalem said:" The Lord has forsaken me, the Lord has forgotten me. " Can a woman may forget her child, not to cherish the son of her womb? Even if she could forget me, I will not forget. Word of the Lord Almighty. " Where Is the tyrannical father who locked us in fear? This idol has never existed except in our heart injured by the lie of the enemy, fear of God is the most dangerous weeds that the evil is sown in the field of our lives. It grows with the wheat and threatens to smother But the only way to prevent harm, not to tear the risk of tearing as the ears, but to promote the growth of good grain, fortifying our faith by listening of the Word and the reception of the Spirit of love in prayer and the sacraments (cf. Mt 13, 24-30). "

From trust to the abandonment charge:

" It's a double that Jesus denounces idolatry, probably the leading one another: the idolatry of a distant God, demanding, indifferent to human needs, and idolatry Money. It is not impossible that the second is a compensation for the dissatisfaction with the first. Such is the attitude of "pagans" who do not know the true face of God, and continue to worry about the daily drink and eat. He who knows himself son of the Father, certainly working to support his family and participates in the common good of the society to which he belongs, but it does in filial freedom, that is to say, in the certainty that God is with him in his effort as his rest in his success as in his professional failures. Master, money can become a servant because his relationship to God, the believer has passed from servitude to service, from fear to trust subsidiary. His concern was not to save his life - he now knows that he receives every moment of his Father as a gift of love - but to work to establish justice in the Kingdom, that is to say give every man what he needs so he can live in dignity as a son of God, beginning with those closest to him: those entrusted to it and it is charged to serve. " (P. Joseph-Marie)


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