Monday, February 28, 2011

Denise Milani 2010 Nipples

Word of the Day
Mk 10, 28-31
Tuesday, 1 March

Peter began to say to Jesus:
"This we left everything to follow you. "
Jesus said," Amen, I say to you, nobody will
for my sake and the Gospel,
a house, brothers, sisters,
a mother, father,
children or land,
without having received, at that time already
hundred times: homes, brothers, sisters,
mothers, children and land
with persecutions and,
in the world to come life everlasting.
Many first shall be last,
and the last shall be first. "

It is amazing how the deprivation leads to communion. There are ties that bind us and prevent us to exist. How many parents qui gardent l'emprise sur leurs enfants même une fois mariés. Ce qui d'ailleurs produit des drames conjugaux. Car on ne se marie pas à trois ou à quatre, mais à deux : "l'homme (la femme) quittera son père et sa mère, il s'attachera à sa femme (à son mari) et tous deux ne feront plus qu'un." Tant que l'on est possessif envers une personne ou même un objet, on a un fil à la patte. L'épanouissement naît de deux libertés, celle laissée à l'autre et celle que je m'octroie en permettant à l'autre d'être lui-même. En comprenant bien que la liberté va toujours dans le sens du plus grand bien. Or permettre à the other to exist for himself, he offered the greatest good, and I allow myself to exist for me. The friendship like love is rooted in mutual respect. With God, it is the same. How many times do we prisoners of our desires and our fears. God has the right to exist for itself and we should enjoy in this respect for his person as he loves us in respect of our own. It is not necessary and does not oblige us. He bowed to our dignity ... that comes from Him. Leave everything, thus open to a true communion, a real relationship where two freedoms meet and comply, in the desire for greater bien de l'autre selon la voie qui est la sienne et qui est propre à chacun. L'Évangile ouvre nos cœurs à cette bonne nouvelle.


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