Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pokemon Gba Tcg 2 Rom

Word of God
Mk 9, 38-40
Wednesday, February 22

Jesus told his disciples:
"Whoever you give a glass of water
behalf of you belong to Christ, amen
I tell you, it will not remain unrewarded.
Whoever causes one to fall these small
who believe in me, it would be better for him
that hung round his neck one of these wheels that rotate
donkeys, and he was thrown into the sea
And if thy hand drags you to sin, cut it off.
It is better to enter life maimed than eternal
be thrown with two hands in hell,
where the fire is not quenched.

if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off.
Better crippled enter into eternal life
than being disposed of with your two feet in hell.
If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.
Better get blind in the kingdom of God
than be thrown with two eyes in hell,

where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.
For every man shall be salted with fire.
is a good thing that the salt
but if the salt ceases to be salt,
with what will you give him strength?
Have salt in yourselves, and live at peace among yourselves.

What is the scandal par excellence? - The lack of charity: "Do not give a glass of water at one of these little ..." Ce verre d'eau est symbolique de toute une façon d'être envers son frère. Le chemin nous est tracé par Jésus Lui-même lavant les pieds de ses disciples et les invitant à faire de même; libérant et guérissant sans distinction de personnes; invitant à donner comme on lui donnerait à lui : "ce que vous avez fait à l'un de ces petits qui sont mes frères, c'est à moi que vous l'avez fait." , à pardonner sans mesure et à pardonner à ses ennemis. Ne pas seulement se dire chrétien, mais l'être en vérité, en n'oubliant jamais que "Dieu ne fait pas de différence entre les hommes." Yes, the scandal is to be a witness against the charity. How many looks that kill while full of love, they should give life to exist and the other, how many hands that do not tend when the hand of a brother or sister in humanity is stretched in a gesture asking for assistance, how many feet away from the path on which there is someone in need. A smile alone can give the Sun. Being Salt is allow our charity by giving back a taste for life in our neighbor.


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