Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Recipe Flounder And Shrimp
A team of researchers at the ETH Paul Scherer Institute and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) has developed a thermochemical reactor of a new genus.
It is indeed able to transform, through the sunlight, a mixture of water and CO2 into a synthetic gas, the syngas. This gas is the basis of liquid fuels like gasoline or kerosene.
Just be patient or move for example, in warmer countries.
But the principle is there and Professor Aldo Steinfeld
, Institute of Energy Technology at ETH Zurich is confident that developments are possible.
Fairly projects for the same purpose (finding new sources of energy) have recently emerged in recent years. Massimiliano Capezzali
, deputy director of the EPFL Energy Center, says though many of them will be implemented and when.
A record Silvio Dolzan. tonight impatience # / la-1ere/programmes/impatience /
- Syngas on Wikipedia
- Other advances:
- Norway opened on 24 November 2009 the first prototype osmotic power plant world. This new technology sustainable uses the principle of osmotic pressure, ie the reaction obtained by the encounter between freshwater and saltwater. The energy thus obtained should eventually enable countries with access to the sea to reduce their dependence on fossil fossiles.Thierry Fischer described this process already used by man to desalinate seawater Knowledge on RSR
From sea to tap
our results suggest that the fuel from biomass waste such as paper and cardboard, is a promising solution for clean energy . " and added"
if fully developed this biofuel, it could simultaneously satisfy a portion of Global energy needs, but also fight against carbon emissions and dependence on fossil fuels . "
The research team used the Human Development Index of the UN to estimate waste production in 173 countries. These data were then correlated to the database "Earthtrends" to estimate the amount of fuel consumed in those countries. They found that 82.93 billion gallons of cellulosic ethanol can be produced from waste landfill in the world. And, substituting gasoline with biofuels, emissions mondiales de carbone pourraient être réduites de l'ordre de 29,2% à 86,1% pour chaque unité d'énergie produite.
Cela pourrait faire de l'éthanol cellulosique une composante importante de notre avenir énergétique renouvelable
" a conclu le co-auteur de l'étude, le Dr Lian Pin Koh de l'Ecole polytechnique de Zurich (ETH).
This paper is published in Global Change Biology: Bioenergy, to request a copy of the paper or for other media enquires, contact Ben Norman or +44 (0)1243 770 375.
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