Friday, February 25, 2011

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Dominique de Villepin proposed a citizen's income

Dominique de Villepin proposed a citizen's income of at least € 850 .-

Interviewed on journal 20:00 from France 2 of and today (02/24/2011) Dominique de Villepin proposed a Revenue Citizen of 850 € / month.

Dominique de Villepin (Wikimedia Commons)

  1. Francis Siebenthal : Dividend universal robots ...

    July 1, 2010 ... Francis Siebenthal . "First they ignore us, .... focused on adoption in Brazil of a law on the Income citizen and I want to ...
    of Siebenthal . / ... / dividend-universal-by-the-robots.html - Cached
  2. Francis Siebenthal : basic income or financial assassins?

    November 15, 2009 ... Francis Siebenthal . "First they ignore us, then they .... Today, the income of citizen base is being discussed ...
    of Siebenthal . /.../ income -de-base-or-assassins-financiers.html - Cached
  3. Francis Siebenthal : The Dividend Universal, the new company

    October 15, 2009 ... Francis Siebenthal . "First they ignore us, .... focused on adoption in Brazil of a law on the Income citizen and I want to ...
    of Siebenthal . / ... / the-universal-dividend-the-nouvelle.html - Cached
  4. citizen income - Wikipedia

    The income is income citizen would be accorded to all individuals in a given area, to using revenue from resource use ... / wiki / Revenue _ citizen - Cached - Similar pages
  5. Thoughts about the idea of citizen's income

    The Citizen Revenue (CBR) is awarded to all citizens. It would be an amount sufficient to enable the acquisition of essential goods ... - Cached - Similar pages
  6. Left, Utopia and citizen's income : Crisis in Media

    November 27, 2007 ... Start by reading this recent interview with Götz Werner, a German billionaire to economic ideas very original. income - citizen. html - Cached - Similar pages

Dominique de Villepin is the founder of Solidarity Republic. With this announcement he joined the proposals which are detailed in the videos presented on this blog (in collaboration with Seb Musset ) of PCD , and Liberal Alternative , while it is still undecided and " debate within the Left Front .


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