Mk 9, 38-40
Wednesday, February 22
John, one of the Twelve, said to Jesus:
"Master, we saw someone driving
evil spirits in your name we
tried to prevent,
because it is not those who follow us. "
Wednesday, February 22
John, one of the Twelve, said to Jesus:
"Master, we saw someone driving
evil spirits in your name we
tried to prevent,
because it is not those who follow us. "
Jesus answered
" Do not hinder them, for he who performs a miracle in my name
can not immediately afterwards speak evil of me;
whoever is not against us is for us. "
" Do not hinder them, for he who performs a miracle in my name
can not immediately afterwards speak evil of me;
whoever is not against us is for us. "
We see in the Gospels, men and women who normally should be far from Jesus as the heathen and in fact are close to Him. And the Canaanite who just touch the hem of his cloak of the centurion who demand the healing of his servant. At first, Jesus says: "Let it be according to thy faith!" ; second: "Never have I found such faith in Israel!" And Jesus has these words: "You judge according to appearance, I judge by the heart." man who hunts demons in his name, Jesus knows it inside and he knows the deep relationship that links it to him and the faith that keeps them alive. John
this amazing speech: "... there is not one which we follow." It identifies the group of disciples of Jesus. He sees an elite who alone can hold the power to release Jesus. As if to follow him physically enough to follow truth and heart. Jesus broke this perspective. The track really is first an inner reality and only Jesus knows "what is in man" , that is to say in his heart. We are not empowered to judge.
this amazing speech: "... there is not one which we follow." It identifies the group of disciples of Jesus. He sees an elite who alone can hold the power to release Jesus. As if to follow him physically enough to follow truth and heart. Jesus broke this perspective. The track really is first an inner reality and only Jesus knows "what is in man" , that is to say in his heart. We are not empowered to judge.
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