Great Wildlife June 2009
readings of June:
Royal Hunting , collective work:
" real memory of 25 years devoted to the implementation of the initiative King Baudouin was to update the hunting prerogative vested in the Crown under section 13 of the Hunting Act, this book brings together a collective sum of historical, scientific and hunting on two strategic areas for deer management Belgium and totaling over 10 000 ha . "
This book is for lovers of history, lovers of well made armor. Lebeau-Courally was a manufacturer ingenious and gifted with a sound common sense which sought only the quality, without skimping on the price.
"This book is very comprehensive simple and clear. Hunter is a book written for hunters, it is essential for documenting and territories also responsible for all hunters who are interested in something the shot and really want to live hunting and nature. "
The big fear Philippe Verro:
" This book, the author warns, testifies to the fear as a fundamental element of Wildlife and indeed a developer to access the virtues of discernment and courage. It delivers man's destructive instinct alone to lead gradually to the fascination and respect for all that is naturally beautiful. "
In addition, the team Great Wildlife (Bernard Audouin, AJ Hettier of Boislambert Berlot Remy, Bernard Fievet) proposes this issue the first part of their "perfect library" of big game hunter:
1 - The Big Game
, ANCGG group of authors, Gyrfalcon, 2004: It
It is a book that everyone should have because it brings together the essential concepts of bases on the big game.
I. Africa
The first major book on hunting in Africa, published in French in 1895 by Plon.
4 - Kingdon.
Guide African mammals, Delachaux, 2006.
5 - Sommer, Francis. Why these wild animals are they? The Golden Fleece, 1951:
exciting book, written and illustrated by one of the founders of ANCGG very comprehensive history of hunting in Africa.
II. Arm / ballistic
6 - Ducartre, Pierre-Louis. History of hunting weapons and their use . 1955, Paris: Book
increased consolidated and illustrated in color under the title "Weapons Hunting" 1998, Office of the book, Fribourg.
8 - Toussaint, Henry. The shooting of big game bullets . Crepin-Leblond, 1979:
The first book published in France really technical.
9 - Venner, Dominique. History hunting weapons. J. Grancher, 1984, Barcelona.
III. Arts hunting
10 - Venner, Dominique. The fine arts of hunting . J. Grancher, 1992, Barcelona.
IV. Asia
12 - Wallace, HF My hunts in China, Payot, 1939.