Hunting Jean-Claude Chantelat:
"An illustrated guide to become familiar with the techniques of hunting and game regulations. Awareness of the game species, hunting dogs, weapons, regulation of hunting and territorial management. "
Choosing hound Claudio Giuliani:
" True encyclopedia This book presents all breeds of hunting dogs and their characteristics: the standard features hunting, important points of character. "
" Fruit of the experience of the Federation Nationale de la Chasse, this manual covers the full knowledge of hunting, including that species. It is recommended by most federations hunter. "
In the grain, the education of your dog by Nicolas Cornier and Harry Benhaiem:
" In this book Nicolas Cornier share with us his experience and key concepts of dog training as he practiced in his private lessons. It can help you move from theory to practice, to effectively integrate the dog into our environment, to better know and assist in a balanced and sustainable. "
Tips and tricks to train your dog Gerard Gilbert and Guy Quéinnec:
"Illustrated with over 400 drawings, this guide answers most questions you have about your dog. More than 1000 entries arranged alphabetically give you all information and expert advice to make you and your dog companions fulfilled and happy life together. "
Sacred Dogs Bécassier Alain Dampérat:
"This book amply illustrated woodcock hunter brings to the essential knowledge on the behavior of migratory, and solutions that will enable it to meet one of its dearest wishes: to have one day a large dog woodcock. A detailed review of the breeds most commonly used, training tips for each phase of work against the bird dog, and the advice of specialists. "
Paper honors Karl Reille:
"Huntsman since an early age, and painter of hunting for talent, Baron Karl Reille has, throughout his long career, received many honors both. The reports are hunting the full transcript of notes taken by Karl Reille. This new edition is enriched by unpublished notes, identifying the characters represented, they were added by his son Anthony. "
Memoirs Karl Reille:
" Beautiful watercolors express, with great concern for truth and accuracy, hunters, horses, forests, dogs and the special atmosphere of hunting with hounds. "
The Unreleased Karl Reille:
" Sketches of travel in Great Britain and Ireland, portraits of friends, animal paintings, scenes of hunting, but also created silk scarves for Hermes (...). These unpublished Karl Reille delight the amateur and discover other facets of the singular talent of this extraordinary artist. "
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