Red Dog by François Meyer
" From a seductive and original idea - a thriller where the action happens in the middle rambolitain hunting - we fall quickly into default middle of a novel pù winded and the plot is full of platitudes. We are quickly disappointed by the lightness of the whole even though connoisseurs of fun places to find mention of the place names they like. "
deer with a magnifying glass Gerard Dupuy:
" In this book, the author examines all taken from different crews who hunted in the forest of Orleans since the 1990 season - 1991 to 2007-2008. It then compares its results with the 1164 deer statistical Andre Moreau between 1891 and 1930 in the forests of Villers-Cotterets, Compiegne, Halatte .. about 1000 deer and draws conclusions. "
Path to brocket Gerard Dupuy:
"This book is the result of historical research and surveying over 500 trophies brockets collected in the forest of Orleans. The information is presented in numerous sketches and summary tables . "
The hunting ground of King Alexis Hluszko:
" This is a text written by a forest from an academic paper from 1989 and is a success because he is rich, interesting, well written and documented. One thing is sure, this fascinating book allows us to understand the complexity of the subject . "
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