To end the hunt Gerard Charollois:
This book does not hunt ahead this time because it is a document Antich. this book is interesting because it is essential to know the strategy and the thinking of those who want to destroy hunting in all its forms. The author is a training officer, an activist first hour and one of the finest representatives of antiche hardliner. The debate on hunting would be a pretext to question the whole idea of Western society, on behalf of "the quest for good " , not according to "a corporation that enacts well revealed" .
the weighted, the last hunter Ivory John H. Taylor:
With the weighted that means "like a lion," Taylor gives us some parcels of his thirty years in Africa, and cut off from the world, so much so that he will learn from newspapers that surrounded a box preserved as the Second World War had been declared. He delivers his work in his hunting, hazards through a thousand anecdotes, and his admiration for the natives.
Fanfares teacher biting Claude G. The Key:
Veneri, elegance and gallantry more or less nimble have always gone well together. The whole spirit of this work in line with the delicious pages of lightning. And who better than the bands for fun? Beautifully presented, enhanced by original artwork by Claude G. Latouche, this collection gives us all the fanfare of circumstances and animals. too many times, the adventures of a laissez-hounds are complemented by humorous adventures of love on the air even marching bands.
A life of a mouthful Sylvain Tesson:
pantheistic writer if any, Sylvain Tesson described with a rare talent fractional changes of light on a Water asleep, a flight of ducks o the burning heat of the Afghan mountains. There is not much hope for him and his views can fish one of an unsystematic.
Kitchen hunting Marie Vachon:
The author of this book practical and easy to put together sixty secrets appetizers to desserts, and his best sommelier, Damien Gateau, you will advise the finest bottles. Chile boar, woodcock with foie gras, fillet of venison ... Should read Mary Vachon urgently.
hunting guns and shooting Ferdinand Courally:
Originally published in 1931 by Emile Noury Hunting at the Bookstore, the Bible has not aged a bit, contrary to widespread belief that wanting guns have made strides in two generations. In order not to be "taxed" of Anglomania, and our pleasure to drive, Courally also done work as a historian. His work is also rich with advice, both on the balance of a shotgun on the verification of the correctness of a cannon.
Mastering shooting bullets Jean-Pierre Menu:
Nourished by a thirty years experience, highlighted by a remarkable iconography an instructor, Master shooting bullets is primarily a fascinating tale of hunting. Jean-Pierre Menu, there is no doubt, only the ground realities into account as often " it destroys the beautiful theories from data abstracted from firing tables" . Before choosing a rifle mechanism, the power of his arms and his ammunition, reading Mastering shooting bullets is a necessity.
Towards the deer Bernard Pignot:
Master of Ralllye Amognes crew on which decouples including renowned deer in the forest of, and lieutenant louveterie Bernard Pignot had hroughout his life hunting an amazing gallery of originals of all kinds. It evokes rural France with his priests and jovial humanist, his compulsive poachers, his lords, is more in the nineteenth century that the twenty-first century and one can hardly believe that the days are his stories and picaresque Rabelaisian is that of the Fourth Republic. The hunting stories abound: fox hunting and for shooting in western and central France.
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