Sunday, January 30, 2011

6co212h2olight Energy -> C6h12o66o26h20

Word of God
5.1 to 20 Mc
Monday, January 31

Jesus and his disciples arrived
on the other side of the lake in the country
As Jesus descended from the boat, immediately
a man possessed by an evil spirit
left the cemetery to meet him
he lived in the tombs
and no one could attach,
even with a chain in
Indeed it was often attached
with shackles and chains,
but he had broken chains, broken chains,
and nobody could control.
Without stopping, day and night,
he was among the tombs and on the hills,
screaming, and injure themselves with stones. Seeing
Jesus from afar,
he ran and worshiped him
and shouted with all his forces:
"What do you want me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God?
I adjure you by God, do not make me suffer! "
Jesus told him in effect:
" evil spirit, come out of him! "And he asked
" What is your name? "The man replied
" My name is Legion, for we are many. "And they begged Jesus
not drive them out of the country.
But there was, on the side of the hill,
a large herd of pigs
who sought his food.
Then the evil spirits begged Jesus
"Send us into those pigs, and we will
them. "
He allowed them.
So they left the man and entered
the top of the cliff,
the herd ran into the sea
there were about two thousand pigs, and they
choked in the sea
Those who kept them fled, they announced the new

in the city and countryside, and people came
see what had happened.
arrived to Jesus, they see the possessed
seated, dressed, and become reasonable
He had had the legion of demons,
and they were afraid.
The witnesses told them the story of the possessed and the affair
Then they began to beg Jesus to leave their
As Jesus was getting into the boat,
the possessed begged him to be with him.
He would not consent, but
he said
"Go home, from want,
listing them all that the Lord has done for you
in his mercy. "
Then this man went away
he began to proclaim in the Decapolis region
all that Jesus had done for him,
and everyone was amazed.

In pondering this Gospel, I came up the passage from the Book of Ezekiel: "Thus saith the Lord GOD: I will open your graves, and I'll let you up from your graves, O my people, I bring back the land of Israel. You know that I am the LORD when I open your graves, and I'll let you up from your graves, O my people. I will put my breath in you that you may live, and I will settle him on your soil, so you will know that I am the Lord who speaks and made-oracle of the LORD. " (Ez 37, 12-14)
Sin leads to death and leads to death. Just look at all these conflicts that govern the world and too often the relationship between men. The "Sin"
is indomitable and has one who falls into his clutches. Its facets are legion, it became entrenched around like leprosy, an incurable disease. The man was left trapped in the Garden of Eden when the snake turned good ... St Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans: "I am a being of flesh, sold to the power of sin. Really what I'm doing I do not understand: for I am not what I want, I do what I hate ... When I want to do good: the evil one comes to me. For I delight in God's law from the perspective of the inner man, but I see another law in my members warring against the law of my reason and ties me to the law of sin ... " And Paul concludes: "wretched man I am! Who shall deliver me from this body devote myself to death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! " (Rom 8, 14-25) There is only one antidote:" Jesus Christ our Lord. "It" By Him we are released: "evil spirit, come out of him ! " Behold, the man finds himself possessed of which hindered issued its existence " sitting, clothed, and become reasonable. " experience of Baptism, the Sacrament of Reconciliation ... the Presence of Jesus greeted at the heart of our lives.


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