Monday, March 23, 2009

Unknown Number And Unknown Name

Pleasures hunting

In section Fun books, Paul-Henry Hansen-Catta analyzes the latest releases :

Roquemaure Willy Priest:
"The best novels of hunting whereby we can understand. The former president of the Society of Vénerie discovered Roquemaure teenager, there are more than sixty years, and remains convinced of its excellence. "
" The hunting world had forgotten Roquemaure. Editions Montbel repair the injustice. "

" Géroudet Paul (1917-2006) has written a wonderful natural history birds in Europe inaugurated in 1940. The work is so rich and vivid that it can not pass into oblivion. "

Spells West Rob Schultheis:
"It is a journey, a kind of restless wandering around the old America (...) This quest, in narrative form traveler, a story that ultimately is not worth reading as a document key, so National Geographic Society, to understand what inspires and founded the Nature writting. "

Hunting and Sustainable Development:
" Here's a snapshot of the French air today, side establishment who gives the desires of revolution. "


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