Wednesday, January 26
Jesus began again to teach by the lake,
and a large crowd gathers with him,
so he got into a boat
where he sits.
He was on the lake and the whole crowd was at the lake,
on shore.
He taught them many things in parables,
and he told them in his teaching
"Listen! Here sower went out to sow.
as he sowed, he arrived as grain
fell by the wayside,
and birds came and ate everything.
Grain is also fallen on stony ground,
where he had not much earth;
he lifted immediately
because the soil was shallow and when
the sun rose, the grain burned
and no root, it has dried.
From Grain also fell among thorns,
the thorns were pushed, choked,
and gave no fruit.
But other seed fell on good soil;
they gave fruit
by pushing and developing,
and they produced thirty, sixty, a hundredfold. "
And Jesus said
" He who has ears to hear, let him hear
! "
Jesus began again to teach by the lake,
and a large crowd gathers with him,
so he got into a boat
where he sits.
He was on the lake and the whole crowd was at the lake,
on shore.
He taught them many things in parables,
and he told them in his teaching
"Listen! Here sower went out to sow.
as he sowed, he arrived as grain
fell by the wayside,
and birds came and ate everything.
Grain is also fallen on stony ground,
where he had not much earth;
he lifted immediately
because the soil was shallow and when
the sun rose, the grain burned
and no root, it has dried.
From Grain also fell among thorns,
the thorns were pushed, choked,
and gave no fruit.
But other seed fell on good soil;
they gave fruit
by pushing and developing,
and they produced thirty, sixty, a hundredfold. "
And Jesus said
" He who has ears to hear, let him hear
! "
All grains of the dish have the ability to bear fruit, but many of them are lost ... Reason does not come from grains but one who receives, how it is received ... What do we do with grain received? ... He who sows is the Son of God incarnate (he left) to sow the Word in the heart (land) men in our hearts. It is both the Sower and the Seed, for his teaching, he embodies it. Everything he says and he says both by mouth and by the behavior and way of being, is the Word of Life for those who listen to or watch.
First, this parable is a call to "listen", and in this oral world, it "listens" also by the "look". We read in Psalm 39, 7: "You wanted no sacrifice or offering, you opened my ears, you do not ask or holocaust victim, so I said:" Behold, I come. "In the book , is written for me what you want me to do. My God, that's what I love thy law keeps me from the bowels. " The "here I come" out of a "open ear" who really listens and gives law (Word) to be deeply planted in the womb ( the heart). In the letter to the Hebrews, "you You opened my ears " becomes" you gave me a body " (Heb 10: 5). The relationship between listening to the Word and the building of the person is amazing. The Word received verily we built, we built. This is the meaning of the word "son" (bera) Aramaic: "Mount" ...
And it is written in Psalm 18.9: "The word of the Lord is pure, it clarifies the eye" . The look, look at Jesus, transforming relationships to each other ... It reminds me of another passage: "taste and see how the Lord is good " (Ps 33.9) is the Word of God heard, viewed with the heart that gives flavor to life ...
From this parable, we can ask ourselves how we listen to the Word of God and watch Jesus, and from there, it is our listening to others and our view of him? ... This is bearing fruit in abundance ... that is what we built in our lives and gives us life.
First, this parable is a call to "listen", and in this oral world, it "listens" also by the "look". We read in Psalm 39, 7: "You wanted no sacrifice or offering, you opened my ears, you do not ask or holocaust victim, so I said:" Behold, I come. "In the book , is written for me what you want me to do. My God, that's what I love thy law keeps me from the bowels. " The "here I come" out of a "open ear" who really listens and gives law (Word) to be deeply planted in the womb ( the heart). In the letter to the Hebrews, "you You opened my ears " becomes" you gave me a body " (Heb 10: 5). The relationship between listening to the Word and the building of the person is amazing. The Word received verily we built, we built. This is the meaning of the word "son" (bera) Aramaic: "Mount" ...
And it is written in Psalm 18.9: "The word of the Lord is pure, it clarifies the eye" . The look, look at Jesus, transforming relationships to each other ... It reminds me of another passage: "taste and see how the Lord is good " (Ps 33.9) is the Word of God heard, viewed with the heart that gives flavor to life ...
From this parable, we can ask ourselves how we listen to the Word of God and watch Jesus, and from there, it is our listening to others and our view of him? ... This is bearing fruit in abundance ... that is what we built in our lives and gives us life.
Jesus explains the parable in Mark 4, 10-20 ...
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