Monday, January 31, 2011

Ectopic Pregnancy Shoulder Pain

Word of God
5.1 to 20 Mc
Tuesday 1st February

a woman who had lost
blood for twelve years ...

- She had suffered greatly from many treatment

and had spent all his property with no improvements

the contrary, his condition had worsened rather -
... So this woman,
having learned what was said of Jesus,

came from behind in the crowd and touched his garment

For she said:
"If I can only touch his garment

I'm saved. "
At the moment, the bleeding stopped,
and she felt in her body that she
was cured of his illness.

once Jesus realized that power had gone

He turned in the crowd and asked:
"Who touched my clothes? "
His disciples replied:
" You see the crowd that crushes you, and you ask:
'Who touched me? " "
But he looked around
to see who had made this gesture.
Then the woman in fear and trembling,
knowing what had happened,
threw herself at his feet and told him the whole truth.
But Jesus replied: "Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole.
Go in peace and be whole of thy plague. "

Here is a Gentile woman who puts all his faith in Jesus and" bet his life "on him. She comes to him with great humility. She knows not to be worthy to enter into a relationship with Jesus person to person. So she chooses to interact with him by touching his garment ... but in this gesture of complete trust, his heart, he is in full communion with that of Jesus that from she touches his garment, was hit in his whole being, "Who touched me?". The meeting is inside. And it is this encounter in the faith that will lead to meeting face to face: "He looked around him ... she told the whole truth." This meeting really springs the Light: "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be whole of thy plague.
The meeting between Jesus and this woman shows that Jesus pagan " not difference between people " . He came to" each "in particular. St Paul writes to the Galatians (3, 28) in Jesus Christ "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female ..." Only Christ is everything to everyone. Faith is opening the meeting ... which leads to peace and healing deep.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

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Word of God
5.1 to 20 Mc
Monday, January 31

Jesus and his disciples arrived
on the other side of the lake in the country
As Jesus descended from the boat, immediately
a man possessed by an evil spirit
left the cemetery to meet him
he lived in the tombs
and no one could attach,
even with a chain in
Indeed it was often attached
with shackles and chains,
but he had broken chains, broken chains,
and nobody could control.
Without stopping, day and night,
he was among the tombs and on the hills,
screaming, and injure themselves with stones. Seeing
Jesus from afar,
he ran and worshiped him
and shouted with all his forces:
"What do you want me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God?
I adjure you by God, do not make me suffer! "
Jesus told him in effect:
" evil spirit, come out of him! "And he asked
" What is your name? "The man replied
" My name is Legion, for we are many. "And they begged Jesus
not drive them out of the country.
But there was, on the side of the hill,
a large herd of pigs
who sought his food.
Then the evil spirits begged Jesus
"Send us into those pigs, and we will
them. "
He allowed them.
So they left the man and entered
the top of the cliff,
the herd ran into the sea
there were about two thousand pigs, and they
choked in the sea
Those who kept them fled, they announced the new

in the city and countryside, and people came
see what had happened.
arrived to Jesus, they see the possessed
seated, dressed, and become reasonable
He had had the legion of demons,
and they were afraid.
The witnesses told them the story of the possessed and the affair
Then they began to beg Jesus to leave their
As Jesus was getting into the boat,
the possessed begged him to be with him.
He would not consent, but
he said
"Go home, from want,
listing them all that the Lord has done for you
in his mercy. "
Then this man went away
he began to proclaim in the Decapolis region
all that Jesus had done for him,
and everyone was amazed.

In pondering this Gospel, I came up the passage from the Book of Ezekiel: "Thus saith the Lord GOD: I will open your graves, and I'll let you up from your graves, O my people, I bring back the land of Israel. You know that I am the LORD when I open your graves, and I'll let you up from your graves, O my people. I will put my breath in you that you may live, and I will settle him on your soil, so you will know that I am the Lord who speaks and made-oracle of the LORD. " (Ez 37, 12-14)
Sin leads to death and leads to death. Just look at all these conflicts that govern the world and too often the relationship between men. The "Sin"
is indomitable and has one who falls into his clutches. Its facets are legion, it became entrenched around like leprosy, an incurable disease. The man was left trapped in the Garden of Eden when the snake turned good ... St Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans: "I am a being of flesh, sold to the power of sin. Really what I'm doing I do not understand: for I am not what I want, I do what I hate ... When I want to do good: the evil one comes to me. For I delight in God's law from the perspective of the inner man, but I see another law in my members warring against the law of my reason and ties me to the law of sin ... " And Paul concludes: "wretched man I am! Who shall deliver me from this body devote myself to death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! " (Rom 8, 14-25) There is only one antidote:" Jesus Christ our Lord. "It" By Him we are released: "evil spirit, come out of him ! " Behold, the man finds himself possessed of which hindered issued its existence " sitting, clothed, and become reasonable. " experience of Baptism, the Sacrament of Reconciliation ... the Presence of Jesus greeted at the heart of our lives.

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

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Word of the Day
Mk 4, 35-41
Saturday January 29

All day
Jesus spoke in parables to the crowd.
the evening, he told his disciples:
"Passing on the" other side. "
Leaving the crowd,
they take Jesus into the boat,
as he was;
and other boats followed him.
Occurs a violent storm.
The waves beat on the boat,
so that was already filling with water.
He slept on the cushion at the rear.
His companions wake up and cry to him:
"Master, we perish
it does not bother you? "
Awakened, he calls the wind, and eagerly said to the sea:
" Hush, hush! "
The wind fell,
and there was a great calm.
Jesus said unto them
"Why be afraid?
How is it that you did not have faith? "
Seized with fear,
they said among themselves:
"Who is he,
that even wind and sea obey him? "

How many times a day we spend on the other side! Our days are well made, moving from one activity to another, from one meeting to another ... Amount in our boat, we sail to the rhythm of time in the recitation of the passing hours ... Is Jesus in the boat? For some, yes, who from the lift to make this their thinking and their heart in prayer. But the realities of an absorbing experience can go to sleep ... For others, not. This does not prevent not be present, but they are not aware: "he sleeps" ! Then the worries arrive with their lots of anxiety: problem, perhaps, relationship, marital, work, car, health, et cetera: "the waves threw the boat on which filled with water " . The water of bitterness and ill-being ... Only throat tied to weather the storm!
Yet it is "someone" who could help ... but he sleeps, because it is allowed to sleep, too busy with our anxieties. Wake him! Not that a magic wand it will change the pumpkin carriage, but it will take us with the stark reality of our existence, we will proceed to the Peace: "the wind ceased and there was a great calm" .. . and making us to hope, give us the strength, wisdom and discernment that we need. Listen to the prayer of Solomon: "I spoke to the Lord and prayed, and I say with all my heart: 'Give me the wisdom ... for me it just seconds and she with me ... knows and understands everything. She guides me safely in my actions and protect me ... ' " And that cry of the heart: " Send it! " (Wis 9, 4.. 10 11) This wisdom is coming and it is there, It was incarnated in Jesus who continues to walk with us ... For us not to leave his hand and to open our hearts and our lives!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Big Booty Cartoon Images

Word of the Day
Mk 4, 21-25
Friday, January 28

Speaking to the crowd in parables, Jesus said
"This is the kingdom of God
as a man who throws
the seed in his field:
night and day,
he sleeps or gets up there,
the seed germinates and grows,
he knows how.
Of itself, the land produces first the blade,
then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.
And when the grain allows it,
one puts in the sickle,
because it's harvest time. "

Jesus also said:
"What can we compare the kingdom of God?
For what parable will we represent?
It is like a mustard seed;
when it is sown in the ground,
it is the smallest of all seeds in the world.
But when it was sown,
it grows and exceeds all vegetables;
and extends long branches,
so that the birds
can nest his shadow. "

As the food that feed our body and keeps it alive without that we care, the Word of God manduquée, that is to say considered as food, grows in us and gives life to our inner selves even without our awareness. It's the fruit that give through our thoughts, words, behaviors, and that its action is revealed and the slow but sure change, dazzles us: "The rain and snow descend from heaven do not return having watered the earth without making it fertile and have germinated, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so my word that goes in my mouth, do not come to me without result without doing what I want, without having accomplished its mission. " (Is 55, 10-11) is that " She is alive, the word of God, energetic and sharp a two-edged sword, it penetrates deep into the soul, to the joints from marrow, it judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart ... "(Heb 4: 12) The Word in the secret heart, is at work liberating and healing and restoring God's work that we are leading us in time, our fulfillment, to make us a "big tree" . It is good to realize that the Word in us, the moment I speak, "mission accomplished" in secrecy and silence, so at least we have allowed the seed .. .

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Disconnection Letter Format

Word of the Day
Mk 4, 1-9
Wednesday, January 26

Jesus began again to teach by the lake,
and a large crowd gathers with him,
so he got into a boat
where he sits.
He was on the lake and the whole crowd was at the lake,
on shore.
He taught them many things in parables,
and he told them in his teaching
"Listen! Here sower went out to sow.
as he sowed, he arrived as grain
fell by the wayside,
and birds came and ate everything.
Grain is also fallen on stony ground,
where he had not much earth;
he lifted immediately
because the soil was shallow and when
the sun rose, the grain burned
and no root, it has dried.
From Grain also fell among thorns,
the thorns were pushed, choked,
and gave no fruit.
But other seed fell on good soil;
they gave fruit
by pushing and developing,
and they produced thirty, sixty, a hundredfold. "
And Jesus said
" He who has ears to hear, let him hear
! "

All grains of the dish have the ability to bear fruit, but many of them are lost ... Reason does not come from grains but one who receives, how it is received ... What do we do with grain received? ... He who sows is the Son of God incarnate (he left) to sow the Word in the heart (land) men in our hearts. It is both the Sower and the Seed, for his teaching, he embodies it. Everything he says and he says both by mouth and by the behavior and way of being, is the Word of Life for those who listen to or watch.
First, this parable is a call to "listen", and in this oral world, it "listens" also by the "look". We read in Psalm 39, 7: "You wanted no sacrifice or offering, you opened my ears, you do not ask or holocaust victim, so I said:" Behold, I come. "In the book , is written for me what you want me to do. My God, that's what I love thy law keeps me from the bowels. " The "here I come" out of a "open ear" who really listens and gives law (Word) to be deeply planted in the womb ( the heart). In the letter to the Hebrews, "you You opened my ears " becomes" you gave me a body " (Heb 10: 5). The relationship between listening to the Word and the building of the person is amazing. The Word received verily we built, we built. This is the meaning of the word "son" (bera) Aramaic: "Mount" ...
And it is written in Psalm 18.9: "The word of the Lord is pure, it clarifies the eye" . The look, look at Jesus, transforming relationships to each other ... It reminds me of another passage: "taste and see how the Lord is good " (Ps 33.9) is the Word of God heard, viewed with the heart that gives flavor to life ...
From this parable, we can ask ourselves how we listen to the Word of God and watch Jesus, and from there, it is our listening to others and our view of him? ... This is bearing fruit in abundance ... that is what we built in our lives and gives us life.
Jesus explains the parable in Mark 4, 10-20 ...

Silicone Grout Sealer

Costumes Child, mirroring large

Every child comes to earth with a message: God has not yet despaired of man.
Rabindranath Tagore
A tribute to a wonderful person, Krishna Riboud (1926-2000), passionate collector of Asian antique fabrics and the expertise of artisans' techniques The study is invaluable because you start to think about the person who invented them. "
The exhibition at the Guimet begins with photographs by Marc Riboud , Krishna, in his garden Avenue de Breteuil, directed by Robert Bazelaire landscaping.
Brightness costumes early childhood, a counterpoint to the shade garden.
Portrait of Prince of Jamnagar.
dress Indian tradition does not differentiate between children and adults. The child is part of a continuum.
Dressing Spring children's clothing cotton printed board, Iran.
clothes for children of Gujarat and those in Pakistan, embroider the future.
skirt with a hundred folds China.
The dragon robe .
The range of colors used in ancient China - black, blue, red, yellow and white depended Five phases. Each color corresponds to one of the five elements of the universe - earth, metal, wood, fire and water - in one direction, a season, an animal.
The dragon, mythical composite animal, symbolizes the cosmic powers, the beneficent forces of nature, like rain. The dragon associated with a flaming pearl suggests the pursuit of wisdom, virtue or enlightenment.
The dress reads from bottom to top, a sort of ascent which begins at the hem with the ocean Paramount; then come the mountain rocks of the Earth to the four axes of the dress, top, cosmos kingdom of power. It is a vision of perfect order, moral and spiritual.
Under the old Chinese tradition, the vulnerability of a child is that his soul is not yet firmly rooted in his corporeal self. It is therefore likely to escape or be hunted by malevolent spirits called Chinese Gui.
The mistletoe are afraid of noise, are hung with a bell or bells shoes, gui also afraid of certain animals, like tigers, dogs and cats (tiger has the ability to see the mistletoe and devour him) it is customary to represent these animal-keepers on hats and collars. It honors the god of longevity.
In Japan, for children's clothes, he was designing clothes in accordance with specific movements and physiology of their small holders, decorated with motifs related to the positive belief in fate.
The kimono is a garment of white boy from the Meiji period, nineteenth century. On a silk fabric patterns unfold tall pines. The root of the tree occupies the greater part of the garment, symbol of longevity often associated with the representation of a crane. The parents hope their son will live very long.
The popular clothing like kimono beige or blue, stained by the technique of Ikat is made from a cotton cloth. This costume was used until the port forbids usury. Kimono was damaged when it was repaired whenever it was needed. Where appropriate, it was recut into a child's garment, before finishing his career in cloth. Krishna Riboud
donated his collection of old fabrics at the Guimet Museum.
The exhibition is over, but the museum will not keep these treasures hidden for long.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Removing Formaldehyde Smell

Heinrich Kühn

"The physical device has no other significance to the photographer as for example the brush to the painter." Heinrich Kühn
Exhibition at the Orangerie.
contours faded photographs, a wife who died too soon, a housekeeper Mary Warner, her children, trees ... a certain melancholy. The search for an ideal of chiaroscuro, light, work of a lifetime.
Kühn cross two world wars but by visiting different rooms we do not realize it ... maybe it either! Thank
Murielle of your presence.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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Eleanor is 14 years old, January 14

Eleanor ... but under the lens of Tatiana!
Adolescence in white, black and gray, melancholy but also anger or phlegm ... it is my purpose in this world?
For Eleanor
A terrible storm
descends on the prairie
A wild flower
cowered in the grass.
"I do not want to open up,
The storm made me too scared. "
But the sun attracts
It opens, what splendor!
Pierre Bercut, June 2006, school Perceval
Tanti Auguri a te ...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

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Prince weaver

"Sire! Without wishing to offend you: the best job is one that is practiced with his hands. Power: okay, here it comes, but what you can do with his hands is a treasure in itself is kept throughout his life. Tell the prince that I will marry when he has learned a real job. "
A tale of love and wisdom, illustrated by Laureen Topalian and reported by the Algerian storyteller Nora Aceval which in turn had it from his mother ...
A small theater is offered with the book which was awarded the Saint-Exupery in 2008.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Do Not Masterbate Game

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