"The Ardennnes, straddling the Franco-Belgian peasantry, the first global conflict. He, the hero, young, old poacher, smuggler always, clever fighter, hard worker, always ready, a true scout. It emerges from this story of eden perfume, accents are almost pagnolesques. A pretty novel guy. "
veneration in Anjou, Dagobert to today Charles-Valentin Desormeaux:
" This is a book "learned" as it does more. First published in 1952, not since republished, the book tells the saga of the hunt in one of its strongholds, Anjou. The abundance and quality of illustrations Benois-Gironière, designer hunting - and horse - West not sufficiently recognized. finally, a beautiful book that will delight and Angevin history lovers hunting. "
hunt man-eating John Taylor:
" professional hunter, the man pays on ivory, and that with so much more fun than the elephant man is a killer, as are lions, leopards, crocodiles and buffalo. A guy, not a field Tartarin. Which insists repeatedly on the "premonition", "intuition" that allow it to predict the presence of murderous beasts in his back. Stunning! "
Hunt Middle Ages Lucien-Jean Bord and Jean-Pierre Mugg:
" That's a nice broad topic, that our two authors had the courage to address. Nevertheless, we feel that we stationnons in midstream. The pocket size and layout do not help readability, poor illustrations in black and white, is sorely felt. We pass on the references to footnotes which hatch reading. It said the amount of knowledge gathered. "
hunts small game of Vilatte of Prugne :
" You have a season to prepare for this hunt authentic and when you start, you do able to stop. These birds range from the skylark and snipe are hunted more often to meet and who deserve better than being fired by accident. These birds that few of us know are wonderful, challenging and above all wild birds away from the plump 18-karat fed Belgian pot. Seek out this book there at all inside, even recipes excellent. "